A great conversation I had with the guys from The Long Seventies Podcast Show page: https://www.thelongseventiespodcast.com/home/2024/2/15/133-joseph-matheny-interview-ongs-hat-amp-the-alchemy-of-alternative-realities
Category: Joseph Matheny
VYS0036 | Infinite Game – Vayse to Face with Joseph Matheny
vayse podcast Show link: https://www.vayse.co.uk/vys0036 Some rare art transcends reality, some even rarer art seems to create a new reality altogether – the work of Joseph Matheny does both of these things while embracing the trickster spirit inherent in the magickal traditions in which his work has its roots. Joseph talks to Hine and Buckley about… Continue reading VYS0036 | Infinite Game – Vayse to Face with Joseph Matheny
Portal a lo desconocido
Portal a lo desconocido description Link to show: https://www.ivoox.com/portal-a-lo-desconocido-audios-mp3_rf_124087690_1.html Descubre cómo un simple libro polvoriento en la biblioteca de una universidad desencadenó una investigación que llevó a un viaje interdimensional de descubrimiento y aventura. Acompáñanos mientras exploramos los experimentos audaces, los científicos visionarios y los secretos enterrados bajo las ruinas de ONG’s Hat. Pero la… Continue reading Portal a lo desconocido
Exploring Ong’s Hat
A mystery inside a mystery. FROM CHASING SHADOWS FEB 2, 2024 Quietly nestled near the middle of New Jersey, Ong’s Hat(or sometimes just “Ong”) is about 45 minutes from the Pennsylvania border to the east or 45 minutes from Seaside Heights to the west. There aren’t any big towns or remarkable landmarks near Ong’s Hat.… Continue reading Exploring Ong’s Hat
Video: Joseph Matheny on Ong’s Hat & Blurring Fiction & Reality
FROM: Tim Boucher Absolutely loved this video interview by Daily Grail with Joseph Matheny, multi-disciplinary artist & creator of the hyperreal conspiracy alternate-reality game precursor, Ong’s Hat. (According to this video, he was also apparently involved in the early John Titor time travel storytelling.) Back in the olden days of blogging and counter-culturing, I was only ever peripherally… Continue reading Video: Joseph Matheny on Ong’s Hat & Blurring Fiction & Reality
Writer as first reader
I’ve been thinking about this post from Ong’s Hat creator, Joseph Matheny, for a few days now… Particularly this part about there being confusion around the liquid hyperreality of it all: When it became clear in 2000/2001 that people clearly did not understand what I was trying to do with the Ong’s Hat “sacred game” (or… Continue reading Writer as first reader
昂格的帽子(Ong’s Hat)都市传说:为 ARG 展现了如何利用互联网多媒体,创造一个极具真实感与神秘感的虚构故事。
LINK: https://www.gcores.com/articles/175959 简单来说,美国新泽西州有超过 100 万英亩的贫瘠松林,在密林深处有一片被称作翁斯哈特(Ong’s Hat)鬼城的隐秘区域,一个世纪前经历了严重的工业衰败,留下了散布的废弃城镇与腐烂工厂遗迹,以及一个无聊的当地传说: 来自 17 世纪的定居者雅各布·翁 (Jacob Ong)在与情人争吵后,愤怒地将帽子扔到了一棵树上。 在 80 年代,几位跨媒体艺术家以翁斯哈特鬼城与那顶传说中的帽子为背景,创作了一系列真假参半的阴谋故事,其中主题涉及普林斯顿教授、量子物理学、混沌理论、维度旅行、科学修道院、炼金术、人体实验等等。这个故事在之后数十年内,通过印刷品、广播、电视和数字媒体等多种形式被广泛传播,成为了早期互联网最为成功的都市传说与历史阴谋论之一。 虽然从现在看来,”昂格的帽子“故事本身十分荒谬,但对我们来说,它的重要意义在于其成功的原因:营造了惊人的真实感与神秘感。它们来源于两个方面: 一方面,故事中要存在大量的真实要素。是的,真理往往如此朴素。场景地点、历史背景、科学技术,故事中真实的要素越多,虚构的部分就显得越可信。此时若再点缀一些氛围佐料:昏暗的贫瘠荒林、颓败的鬼城遗址、神秘的科学修道院——不用担心,余下部分就交给观众狂野的想象力罢。 另一方面,故事的叙述方式要贴近真实的碎片化、多媒介情景。也就是说,它不能像一本小说、一部戏剧、一场电影一样,让观众于正襟危坐间提醒自己:”故事要开始了“。真实生活中的故事是碎片化、多媒介的,我们从他人口中、网络论坛上、电视新闻中、收音机里接收到一个又一个故事碎片,我们如侦探一般将所有线索贴于记忆之墙,拼凑出事件的全貌。 这些经验对于日后 ARG 的故事创作与叙事传播的影响非常深远。 新泽西州贫瘠松林中的翁斯哈特鬼城,以及昂格帽子的传说之树/图:Jed Oelbaum 《布莱尔女巫》病毒式电影营销的成功:为《野兽》ARG的出现提供了最直接的市场信心。 《女巫布莱尔》何许?伪纪录恐怖片的鼻祖,伪纪录片爱好者的耶路撒冷,有史以来最成功的独立电影之一:35 页剧本,3 个演员,8 天拍摄,50 万美元的成本,全球 2.5 亿美元的票房收入,以及金酸梅奖最佳女主。 而这部电影的成功,只有一半来源于其本身,另一半来源于它的市场营销策略。 1999 年 7 月,电影上映前一个月,制片人凯文·福克斯 (Kevin Foxe)与公关公司 Clein & Walker 作出了一个前所未有的决定:通过互联网进行大规模营销。但他们选择的方式并不是我们如今所熟知 的买新闻头条、论坛热搜、植入 APP 广告,而是制作了一则人员失踪的假新闻,以及配套的一系列”官方网站“、”警方报告“、”新闻采访“、甚至跑到圣丹斯电影节上发”寻人启事“传单。 他们在”寻找“的,正是电影中的三位演员。电影剧情大致讲述了三位大学生徒步进入马里兰州的深山,拍摄有关”布莱尔女巫“当地传说的纪录片,并最终失踪的故事。凯文·福克斯天才般地将故事搬到了现实,通过各路媒体铺天盖地渲染三位大学生的”失踪“,再加上所谓”布莱尔女巫“的传说取材于真实地点,导致整个事件真假难辨,并迅速在社会上引起巨大反响——这是所有商业营销的梦想。 因此,我们可以斩钉截铁地认为,当两年后华纳与微软的天才们在为《人工智能》电影宣传绞尽脑汁时,脑海中一定闪过了《女巫布莱尔》营销大获成功的案例。
Доброго времени суток, дорогие телезрители! В сегодняшнем видеоролике мы рассмотрим родоначальников медиа под названием “АРГ” и я расскажу почему “АРГ” умирают. Если вам понравилось поставьте лайк или дизлайк в противном случае. Ссылки на упомянутое медиа: Ong’s Hat Ролик на русском – https://youtu.be/_75Ub7iqBek Ролик на английском – https://youtu.be/o5GtwKrL2XA Маскарад (Masquerade) Статья – https://4pda.to/2018/11/18/354596/ Ролик – https://youtu.be/bflU986KM60… Continue reading ИСТОРИЯ АРГ ИЛИ ПОЧЕМУ АРГ СКОРО ИСЧЕЗНУТ
What I meant by “game”
A filter statement, if there ever was one Original post: https://josephmatheny.substack.com/p/what-i-meant-by-game The above excerpt is from a book I’m currently reading and enjoying, This Is the Strangest Life I’ve Ever Known: A Psychological Portrait of Jim Morrison by Ana Leorne. I was impressed by this quote because it aligns with something I am working through as I write Ong’s… Continue reading What I meant by “game”
Ong’s Hat creator Joseph Matheny on the blurred lines between fiction and reality
Sat down and had a discussion with Greg, one of the curators of one of my favorite OG websites, The Daily Grail. LINK: https://www.dailygrail.com/2023/12/ongs-hat-creator-joseph-matheny-on-the-blurred-lines-between-fiction-and-reality/ Ong’s Hat. For those who were on the early internet and into Grail-like topics, those two words likely spark a heady sense of conspiracy, alternative science and history nostalgia. Across websites,… Continue reading Ong’s Hat creator Joseph Matheny on the blurred lines between fiction and reality