The Birth of Alternate Reality Games

Alternate Reality Games have existed for far longer than most people realize, I just wanted to talk about some of the first ones. (the outro has all the music used in order) CONTENTS: 00:00 Intro 00:55 Ong’s Hat 04:17 Publius Enigma 09:13 Blair Witch 11:44 The Beast 14:03 ilovebees 16:04 Closing Thoughts 17:10 Outro

What is Ong’s Hat, and why is it so important to interdimensional travel?

Ong’s Hat was once a small town in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. However, in the 1990’s, rumors began to pop up about chaos theory and interdimensional travel via depravation tanks. The JTO tries to replicate the experiment.

Center your Schizowave (An interview w Joseph Matheny)

From the original post:   July 9, 2022|#ChapelPerilousTheLifeandThoug, #Joesphmatheny, #Ongshat, #PropAnon, #qanon (This interview took place between Joesph Matheny and me not long after the January 6th failed Trump coup. Q Anon was getting lots of headlines. So, I decided to speak to the guy who nearly single-handedly creating Alternative Reality Games.) By: Prop Anon I… Continue reading Center your Schizowave (An interview w Joseph Matheny)

Incydent w Ong’s Hat – Otwarcie Bramy do Innego Świata

W latach 80, w opuszczonym od lat trzydziestych XX wieku miasteczku Ong’s Hat w USA, przeprowadzono pewien eksperyment całkowicie finansowany przez prywatny budżet. Czego dotyczył? Kto go sponsorował? Jaki miał cel? I dlaczego zainteresowało się eksperymentem wojsko? Czym było tajemnicze “Jajo”? Kto dzisiaj korzysta ze skradzionej w brutalny sposób wiedzy?