W latach 80, w opuszczonym od lat trzydziestych XX wieku miasteczku Ong’s Hat w USA, przeprowadzono pewien eksperyment całkowicie finansowany przez prywatny budżet. Czego dotyczył? Kto go sponsorował? Jaki miał cel? I dlaczego zainteresowało się eksperymentem wojsko? Czym było tajemnicze “Jajo”? Kto dzisiaj korzysta ze skradzionej w brutalny sposób wiedzy?
Category: Video
single trails in nj pines looking for ong’s hat laboratory
Weee are on a road trip to Ong’s Hat, New Jersey to check out some local legends and mysteries when we are attacked by a Scary Clown. Ong’s Hat is surrounded by multiple legends including one of the oldest legends on the internet. The most intriguing mystery has to do with a mysterious cult, an… Continue reading SCARY CLOWN ATTACKS WHILE WEEE ARE SEARCHING FOR A PORTAL TO ANOTHER DIMENSION – WEEECLOWN AROUND
What is Ong’s Hat?
A collection of text, audio, and video pieces about the Ong’s Hat ARG project The First Internet Hoax: Inside a Mind Why Did This Entire Village of Scientists Disappear One Day? Joseph Matheny Appears on How Conspiracy Theories Become Violent | Truth Hurts | VICE Did An Alternate Reality Game Gone Wrong Predict The Rise… Continue reading What is Ong’s Hat?
Rambling Podcast #23: Ong’s Hat
The Rambling Doc Jay Ong’s Hat and George Washington
The First Internet Hoax – Inside A Mind
An urban legend tells of a group of scientists who successfully escaped into another dimension.Join me as we go back in time to a place where the internet was like nothing we see today.Ong’s Hat is a ghost town in New Jersey’s Pine Barrens. Many Myths and Legends are said to exist within the area.… Continue reading The First Internet Hoax – Inside A Mind
Bits N’ Bricks Season 3 Episode 37 – The Surreal History of LEGO Galidor Including Ong’s Hat Segments
The awesome backstory about Galidor with a short history of the Ong’s Hat Project. Link to podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lego-bits-n-bricks/id1542166642 How a LEGO® game console, sci-fi TV show, limb-swapping action figures, and trip to another dimension gave birth to the beloved LEGO toy flop Galidor. 00:00:00 – Prologue 00:00:39 – Bits N’ Bricks: Introduction 00:01:15 – EP37:The Surreal… Continue reading Bits N’ Bricks Season 3 Episode 37 – The Surreal History of LEGO Galidor Including Ong’s Hat Segments
Why Did This Entire Village of Scientists Disappear One Day?
About Thoughty2Thoughty2 (Arran) is a British YouTuber and gatekeeper of useless facts. Thoughty2 creates mind-blowing factual videos about science, tech, history, opinion and just about everything else.
Did An Alternate Reality Game Gone Wrong Predict The Rise of QAnon?
In this fragment of SCHISM we interview the creator of ‘Ong’s Hat’, the first Alternate Reality Game, and ask what his experiences can teach us about the rise of QAnon. Is it possible that the ability to co-create and distribute our own narratives about reality could be altering its basic fabric? And has Noam Chomsky’s… Continue reading Did An Alternate Reality Game Gone Wrong Predict The Rise of QAnon?
The Mystery of Ong’s Hat
Link: http://broadcast.literationclub.com/2019/05/30/the-mystery-of-ongs-hat/ Ong’s Hat used to be the suburbs within the Pine Barrens of Nj. However, within the 1990’s, rumours started to swirl online of secret experiments which had occurred there by several rogue scientists, and they had travelled for an alternate dimension. What this real? Or could it have been actually the earth’s first ARG.… Continue reading The Mystery of Ong’s Hat