Are These 12 New Jersey Haunted Houses Real?

New Jersey’s Haunted History New Jersey’s haunted history extends well beyond historic mansions and old estates. NJ’s collection of ghost towns — many of which remain as ruins in state parks and forests — are magnets for ghost hunters and visitors looking for a thrill. In particular, the remains of Ong’s Hat in the Pine… Continue reading Are These 12 New Jersey Haunted Houses Real?

Ong’s Hat: Das unglaubliche Geheimnis einer anderen Dimension!

Willkommen in der Welt von Ong’s Hat, dem Ort, an dem Wissenschaft und Mystik aufeinandertreffen, um die Grenzen unserer Realität zu sprengen! Ein bisher unbekanntes Phänomen, das euren Verstand herausfordern wird. Taucht mit mir, in eines der faszinierendsten Rätsel der Menschheit ein. Lass uns gemeinsam die Grenzen des Vorstellbaren ausloten!

6 Abandoned and Forgotten Ghost Towns in New Jersey: Ong’s Hat

Ong’s Hat Not much remains of Ong’s Hat (or Ong’s Hut, depending on which legend you believe). Although a ghost town, it’s not forgotten! Ong’s Hat has a long history. Although historians aren’t sure when the village got its name, it’s older than the revolutionary war. This name appears in a 1778 map of Hessian encampments in… Continue reading 6 Abandoned and Forgotten Ghost Towns in New Jersey: Ong’s Hat

25 BIZARRE CONSPIRACY THEORIES You’ve Never Heard Of: 15: Ong’s Hat

Ong’s Hat, NJ Another conspiracy theory “joke” that got out of hand was that of Ong’s Hat, New Jersey. Ong’s Hat was one of the earliest online conspiracy theories, based on a few run-down, abandoned buildings located deep in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The story goes that science and the paranormal blended together to open doors to other… Continue reading 25 BIZARRE CONSPIRACY THEORIES You’ve Never Heard Of: 15: Ong’s Hat


New Jersey has a reputation for being a quirky and unusual place, and there are many bizarre stories that have come out of the state over the years. However, one of the most unusual and intriguing stories involves a small town called Ong’s Hat, located in the southern part of the state. LINK:

Où sont passés ces gens disparus à Ong’s Hat ? – Le mystère d’internet qui est allé trop loin

Source: Joseph Matheny dit connaître la vérité sur ce qu’il se passe à Ong’s Hat. Mais il n’est pas celui qu’il prétend être… Chapitrage : 00:00 – 01:42 Les intrus débarquent 01:43 – 04:48 Ong’s Hat 04:49 – 07:49 La création de Ong’s Hat 07:50 – 10:07 Matheny reprend le projet 10:08 – 13:09… Continue reading Où sont passés ces gens disparus à Ong’s Hat ? – Le mystère d’internet qui est allé trop loin