Ong’s Hat was once a small town in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. However, in the 1990’s, rumors began to pop up about chaos theory and interdimensional travel via depravation tanks. The JTO tries to replicate the experiment.
Category: Joseph Matheny
20 Conspiracy Theory Locations To Visit Including One In North Carolina
Ong’s Hat Location: Pine Barrens, NJ The Conspiracy: Pine Barrens is a ghost town in NJ. But what makes it so interesting is there is only one building- that would be Ong’s Hat. It is said that the town was bustling in the 1860s. Though it is unknown if there were ever any additional structures. Regardless the… Continue reading 20 Conspiracy Theory Locations To Visit Including One In North Carolina
The Pine Barrens: New Jersey’s weird, wondrous, wild world all its own
Excerpt of an article behind a paywall. The original article requires a subscription. Is there a portal in the Pines? In his 1936 book, “Forgotten Towns of Southern New Jersey,” Henry Charlton Beck calls Ong’s Hat a “vanished town of murder, of prize fights and of isolated country dances,” a place that “a hundred or… Continue reading The Pine Barrens: New Jersey’s weird, wondrous, wild world all its own
Center your Schizowave (An interview w Joseph Matheny)
From the original post: July 9, 2022|#ChapelPerilousTheLifeandThoug, #Joesphmatheny, #Ongshat, #PropAnon, #qanon (This interview took place between Joesph Matheny and me not long after the January 6th failed Trump coup. Q Anon was getting lots of headlines. So, I decided to speak to the guy who nearly single-handedly creating Alternative Reality Games.) By: Prop Anon I… Continue reading Center your Schizowave (An interview w Joseph Matheny)
Interdimensional Travel and the Legend of Ong’s Hat
LINK TO ORIGINAL STORY In recent years, the idea that there are other dimensions lying side by side with our own has come out from the realm of science fiction to plant itself firmly into real theories in physics. It is no longer a completely ludicrous assumption that there may be a multiverse all around… Continue reading Interdimensional Travel and the Legend of Ong’s Hat
Penny Royal:Season Two, Episode Eleven: Road To Nowhere
Where are these roads leading us? Are they leading us to answers to the Penny Royal mystery? More circles, cycles, and loops. The manifestation of the ouroboros, and the realization that we need to let go of the wheel and let the car drift… Special guests featured in this episode are Joshua Madera, David Metcalfe,… Continue reading Penny Royal:Season Two, Episode Eleven: Road To Nowhere
Information Golem: New Mini-Series from TOOWi Arts about Joseph Matheny and Origins of the Ong’s Hat ARG
The Origin Story of Joseph Matheny and the Ong’s Hat ARG I sat down with Jerry Gaura of TOOWi Arts to discuss the origins of me as an artist and the Ong’s Hat ARG. We logged countless hours which Jerry patiently trimmed down into a 2 episode series with a bonus episode that is exclusive… Continue reading Information Golem: New Mini-Series from TOOWi Arts about Joseph Matheny and Origins of the Ong’s Hat ARG
Mad Tower Radio #8: Pentagon UFOs, Origins of the Rake, & Ong’s Hat, NJ
RSS Feed: Spotify: Youtube: We cover the new insight on UFO’s given out to the public recently, learn about a popular creepy pasta beast and discover a sweet little spot nestled in southern New Jersey
Incydent w Ong’s Hat – Otwarcie Bramy do Innego Świata
W latach 80, w opuszczonym od lat trzydziestych XX wieku miasteczku Ong’s Hat w USA, przeprowadzono pewien eksperyment całkowicie finansowany przez prywatny budżet. Czego dotyczył? Kto go sponsorował? Jaki miał cel? I dlaczego zainteresowało się eksperymentem wojsko? Czym było tajemnicze “Jajo”? Kto dzisiaj korzysta ze skradzionej w brutalny sposób wiedzy?
single trails in nj pines looking for ong’s hat laboratory