LINK: WARNING: Some listeners may be disturbed by the fact that at no point in this episode do Mike D and Andrea mention diarrhea. This is a diarrhea-free episode. Proceed at your own risk. Longtime subscribers to our Patreon may remember an early episode of South Jersey Is Also the World where Andrea and… Continue reading New Jersey Is The World: A Return to Ong’s Hat
Tag: video
Legend Tripping- the process of seeking adventure by going to places known to be associated with paranormal events. In the episode we offer some background on legend tripping in America (wait for Part Two for the best international destinations), including Capt. McKerry’s Vault on the Ohio River (Indiana)~Goatman’s Grave in Missouri~Ong’s Hat (ghosttown in NJ~Mountain… Continue reading LEGEND TRIPPING (PT 1) : A GROWING AMERICAN PASTIME
【恐怖抖音】偷拍2036年未來人 時光機棚屋穿越時空的證據!神秘人一夜間老了幾十年?網上最熱門的話題,書中其實一早預言過 叫John Titor。
(Part 4- 破解John titor) 最後一次峰迴路轉!就是根本上沒有預言! John titor其實是假的. Joseph matheny! 一位作家及遊戲設計師 ‘ongs hat’ 就是他的成名作! 他說自己及另外三個人一起創造John titor作為一個遊戲實驗. 相片中的時光機 是電影道具, 功勞來自另外三位..因為他們都是電影界的猛料人物. 而那些物理學及科技知識是因為他從80年代已經跟不同科技公司合作. 絕對有能力經驗動機去創造這個故事 所以連最後一個未來人也破解? You can’t time travel? Well, Joseph matheny即使說出這些話, 最後也拒絕提供任何證據去證明他根本就是John titor. 無論抄橋 預言 老作 由還沒有互聯網的年代 到現今tiktok 這麼多年大家對未來人 還是有盼望及稀奇 係因為他在我們沉悶的生活中可以加添一些色彩 亦讓我們看到一個有突破的可能性 就如當初的人又走路變到發明汽車及火箭 人這一點想突破的心始終是永恆不變的定律 即使去到2564年 也是一樣.
Small Town Becomes the Backdrop for an Internet Conspiracy Theory: Ong’s Hat
Episode 67 of Perplexity was all about the lost town of Ong’s Hat, New Jersey and its connections to time travel and the first internet conspiracy theory! Check out this crazy tale wherever you listen to podcasts or watch on YouTube! #ongshat #internetconspiracy #conspiracytheory #perplexitymysterypodcast #timetravel #glitchinthematrix
4 relatos de viajes a universos paralelos: Taured, Ong’s Hat, Beatles, McElheney
The Incredible Tale of Ong’s Hat
Step into the enigmatic world of Ong’s Hat, a town shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Join us as we delve into the rich history and captivating legends that have surrounded this puzzling place for decades. From its obscure origins to the strange stories that have been passed down through generations, this video is your ultimate… Continue reading The Incredible Tale of Ong’s Hat
Tales of Weird NJ: Bovine, Bigfoot & Frogs
Paul Giamatti and friends discuss weird New Jersey stories and give some props to Ong’s Hat. Recorded live from the (possibly haunted) Marines’ Memorial Theatre in San Francisco at @SFSketchfest 2024 with special guest, comedian, writer, and host of the Beautiful/Anonymous podcast (…, Chris Gethard. Chris heard about a lot of brushes with the paranormal… Continue reading Tales of Weird NJ: Bovine, Bigfoot & Frogs
Video: Joseph Matheny on Ong’s Hat & Blurring Fiction & Reality
FROM: Tim Boucher Absolutely loved this video interview by Daily Grail with Joseph Matheny, multi-disciplinary artist & creator of the hyperreal conspiracy alternate-reality game precursor, Ong’s Hat. (According to this video, he was also apparently involved in the early John Titor time travel storytelling.) Back in the olden days of blogging and counter-culturing, I was only ever peripherally… Continue reading Video: Joseph Matheny on Ong’s Hat & Blurring Fiction & Reality
Доброго времени суток, дорогие телезрители! В сегодняшнем видеоролике мы рассмотрим родоначальников медиа под названием “АРГ” и я расскажу почему “АРГ” умирают. Если вам понравилось поставьте лайк или дизлайк в противном случае. Ссылки на упомянутое медиа: Ong’s Hat Ролик на русском – Ролик на английском – Маскарад (Masquerade) Статья – Ролик –… Continue reading ИСТОРИЯ АРГ ИЛИ ПОЧЕМУ АРГ СКОРО ИСЧЕЗНУТ
Ong’s Hat creator Joseph Matheny on the blurred lines between fiction and reality
Sat down and had a discussion with Greg, one of the curators of one of my favorite OG websites, The Daily Grail. LINK: Ong’s Hat. For those who were on the early internet and into Grail-like topics, those two words likely spark a heady sense of conspiracy, alternative science and history nostalgia. Across websites,… Continue reading Ong’s Hat creator Joseph Matheny on the blurred lines between fiction and reality