Dějištěm tohoto příběhu je město duchů Ong’s Hat, pouhá skvrna na mapě a jedna z mnoha opuštěných starých vesnic rozesetých po odlehlých borových hájích v americkém státě New Jersey. Městečko údajně získalo své jméno od muže jménem Ong, který kdysi ze zklamání odhodil svůj luxusní hedvábný klobouk, když na něj žárlivý milenec ženy, s níž… Continue reading PODIVNÉ PŘÍBĚHY LIDÍ, KTEŘÍ VYBUDOVALI PORTÁLY DO JINÝCH DIMENZÍ
Author: jmatheny
Suppressed Experiments Or Nothing But Fiction? The Bizarre Conspiracies Of Ong’s Hat
Although it is almost certainly nothing more than an urban legend – perhaps one of the first to be propelled to the masses during the Internet era – the legends and conspiracies of Ong’s Hat are, to some, a case of fact being hidden in plain sight as a work of fiction. While some people… Continue reading Suppressed Experiments Or Nothing But Fiction? The Bizarre Conspiracies Of Ong’s Hat
Happy Solar Return (New Year)
News to share Sequoyah Kennedy and I have finished recording Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT. I have completed the cover, as evidenced below. I have finished building the final bundle of audio interviews, original notes that inspired the conversations that make up the recordings, and a collection of images. Polypores provided the soundtrack, and it’s divine. This work started as an idea… Continue reading Happy Solar Return (New Year)
The Ong’s Hat Mystery: A Hidden Portal or Government Secret?
On a crisp October morning in 1926, a strange and mysterious pit appeared overnight in the heart of the Pine Barrens in New Jersey. At nearly fifty feet wide and twenty feet deep, its eerie precision and lack of explanation sparked wild theories. Could it be a gateway to another dimension? Was it the result… Continue reading The Ong’s Hat Mystery: A Hidden Portal or Government Secret?
Ong’s Hat: The Beginning: CERN, Many Worlds, MMORPGs (QAnon), ARGs “The Beast”, HALO and Artificial Intelligence
Original post: https://xammon.blogspot.com/2024/12/ongs-hat-beginning-cern-many-worlds.html Exploring the Origins of a Digital Age Conspiracy Introduction Ong’s Hat stands as one of the earliest and most enduring Internet-based secret history conspiracy theories, often recognized as the first Alternate Reality Game (ARG). Originating in the late 1980s, it evolved into a sprawling piece of collaborative fiction blending speculative science, metaphysics,… Continue reading Ong’s Hat: The Beginning: CERN, Many Worlds, MMORPGs (QAnon), ARGs “The Beast”, HALO and Artificial Intelligence
Ong’s Hat & Ben Zweibelson
The Enigma of the Ong’s Hat Conspiracy
Explore the enigmatic tale of the Ong’s Hat conspiracy, a story that blurs the line between reality and myth. Delve into a narrative filled with secret experiments, mystical dimensions, and hidden histories.
Ep.232 – Portals to Other Dimensions & Peanut the Squirrel – Theories Thursday
We discuss multiple topics on this Theories Thursday Episode. Throughout history individuals have claimed they had created or had access to portals that led to other dimensions. We dive down that rabbit hole and discuss various sites where portals supposedly once existed. The Gate of the Gods and Ong’s Hat. We also discuss an individual… Continue reading Ep.232 – Portals to Other Dimensions & Peanut the Squirrel – Theories Thursday
Ong’s Hat is a critical component
So… this was in the mailbox of our little bakery this morning… other than it being conspiracy theory, I have no idea what I’m looking at. I don’t even know if this is the right order for the pages… One line made me wonder if they’re looking at us, since we haven’t opened up yet… Continue reading Ong’s Hat is a critical component
Soundtrack for Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT
I’m excited to announce another addition to our COMPLEAT project. The audiobook will feature music, sounds, and atmosphere by the multi-talented Polypores (aka Stephen James Buckley). I love Polypores’ music and soundscapes and am excited that they will provide our atmospheres. Most of their music is at polypores.bandcamp.com, but the latest album is here: Find Polypores on Twitter as @stephenjbuckle on Instagram as @sjbuckers, and on YouTube as @polyporeshq See the full COMPLEAT announcement here.… Continue reading Soundtrack for Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT