I’m excited to announce another addition to our COMPLEAT project. The audiobook will feature music, sounds, and atmosphere by the multi-talented Polypores (aka Stephen James Buckley). I love Polypores’ music and soundscapes and am excited that they will provide our atmospheres. Most of their music is at polypores.bandcamp.com, but the latest album is here: Find Polypores on Twitter as @stephenjbuckle on Instagram as @sjbuckers, and on YouTube as @polyporeshq See the full COMPLEAT announcement here.… Continue reading Soundtrack for Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT
Category: Alternate Reality Game
Ong’s Hat: Compleat
I think the interview is the new art form. – Jim Morrison This work was initially planned as an ordinary “book.” However, I’ve grown tired of that outdated description of a unit of measure. “The book” doesn’t mean the same thing in the digital information age that it once did. The concept of this project outgrew… Continue reading Ong’s Hat: Compleat
HSA Skateboard Deck (Reissue)
A faithful reissue of the Hyperborean Skateboarding Association Protective Sigil Deck (Ong’s Hat fans will get this wildly inside joke provided by the roasters of the official coffee of the Institute for Chaos Studies) Description Redshift and the Hyperborean Skateboarding Association have collaborated to re-create the deck designed by Teofila herself and used on Java2 by the teenagers of… Continue reading HSA Skateboard Deck (Reissue)
Strange Tales of People Who Built Portals to Other Dimensions
Strange Tales of People Who Built Portals to Other Dimensions Perhaps one of the most famous stories of portals being opened is that of a place called Ong’s Hat. The setting for this particular tale is the ghost town of Ong’s Hat, merely a speck on the map and one of the numerous abandoned old… Continue reading Strange Tales of People Who Built Portals to Other Dimensions
The Rebel Podcast: Episode 232: Ong’s Hat (The”Fake” Town)
Listen: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/stylesrebelradio/episodes/Episode-232-Ongs-Hat-TheFake-Town-e2pm74i/a-abj2nus What is going on in Ong’s Hat New Jersey? Does this abandoned town hold the secrets to interdimensional travel or the secrets to Quantum reality? Was it all just an elaborate Joke? Join in the conversation at any time on the WSRR Discord Server or by texting in! Listen to WSRR Radio Live… Continue reading The Rebel Podcast: Episode 232: Ong’s Hat (The”Fake” Town)
The Mysterious Ong’s Hat: Unraveling an Early Internet Conspiracy
Chapter 1: The Birth of a Legend In the early 1990s, the advent of technology shrank the world, allowing individuals to connect and share vast amounts of information. This newfound access opened doors to unique experiences that many had never encountered before. Among these emerging narratives was the Ong’s Hat tale, a captivating blend of… Continue reading The Mysterious Ong’s Hat: Unraveling an Early Internet Conspiracy
Ong’s Hat – eine Dimensionsreise zwischen den Welten, Part 1
See this link for background on this second-hand story: https://josephmatheny.com/2019/03/18/corrections-to-brian-dunnings-skeptoid-podcast-about-ongs-hat/ Heute werden wir uns tief in ein Kaninchenloch mit einigen wirklich unerwarteten Wendungen begeben. Es begann als urbane Legende, von der Sie nur erfahren konnten, wenn Sie bestimmte Mailorder-Newsletter abonniert hatten. Es wuchs und wurde zu einer lokalen Legende, die sich um einen Ort namens… Continue reading Ong’s Hat – eine Dimensionsreise zwischen den Welten, Part 1
The Mystery of Ong’s Hat Unveiled
Discover the eerie tale of Ong’s Hat, a vanished township shrouded in mystery and urban legend. What secrets lie within? #UrbanLegend #Mystery #OngsHat #HauntingHistory #GhostTowns #Storytime #StoryTelling #Shorts #Reels
There Are Other Worlds
There Are Other Worlds by Polypores The seeds of this album were planted in April 2023 and as is often the case, germinated through a combination of various environments and my own somewhat unmanageable imagination. I’d become hyperfixated on the idea of Alternate Reality Games, and the way that through what are essentially acts of… Continue reading There Are Other Worlds
First Time Caller: An Art Bell Tribute
In this episode of The Computer Room, Katherine and friends talk about Art Bell’s legacy. We meet Leah Prime, who’s writing a book about Art Bell, John Steiger who on a mission to hand transcribe every single episode of Coast to Coast AM, and Joseph Matheny, the mind behind Ong’s Hat.