Original article: https://ifunny.co/picture/burrow-into-another-dimension-near-where-new-jersey-route-72-pP7eomFaA
Category: Joseph Matheny
El Sombrero de Ong La Aterradora Leyenda Urbana que Debes Conocer
El sombrero de Ong es una de las primeras teorías de conspiración que se conocen tras la creación de internet. Se ha catalogado como un cuento o una broma pero incluso hoy en día hay gente que piensa que podría ser real. La documentación que existe sobre este misterio no tiene autor, está dividida… Continue reading El Sombrero de Ong La Aterradora Leyenda Urbana que Debes Conocer
That Would Be Rad: S3 E15: Ong’s Hat – A Gateway to New Dimensions
Link to show: https://www.thatwouldberadpodcast.com/s3-e15-ongs-hat-a-gateway-to-new-dimensions/ Welcome back to That Would Be Rad! This week we dive into the strange and intriguing story of Ong’s Hat, a small town in New Jersey that became the subject of countless rumors and legends. Join us as we explore the potential for interdimensional travel, Chaos Magic and Syncro-Shamanism and uncover… Continue reading That Would Be Rad: S3 E15: Ong’s Hat – A Gateway to New Dimensions
Interdimensional travel, cults, & murder. The mysteries of ONG’S HAT, NJ
PEMBERTON ongshat #conspiracy #conspiracytheory coolplaces funfacts haunted #hauntedhistory #weirdnj #dirtyjersey #southjersey #pinebarrens #locallore #lore #backroads #history #historylovers #historypodcast #americana #cranberry #cranberrybogs #ghosttown #urbanexplorer #urbex #fyp #pembertonnj #pinebarrens #piney #thepinebarrens #pineyproud #jerseydevil
They Invented Something Dangerous In This Cabin…
There have been many accounts of people finding portals to another world all over the world. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes not so much. Today, we’ll look at the story of Ong’s hat, this may just be some of the most well-known cases of interdimensional travel we know to date. And the people involved have never… Continue reading They Invented Something Dangerous In This Cabin…
Ghost Towns in NJ That Deserve a Day Trip
Ghost towns in NJ are a reminder of the state’s rich history and offer a glimpse into the past. County and Current Town: Burlington County, Pemberton Township ARTICLE LINK: https://jerseydigs.com/ghost-towns-in-nj/ Speaking of ghost stories…Ong’s Hat is one of New Jersey’s most notorious locations. It’s the basis of a popular early “secret history” Internet conspiracy theory.… Continue reading Ghost Towns in NJ That Deserve a Day Trip
Some Ong’s Hat TikToks
Creepaway Camp 2023 – Day 6: Jacob’s Revenge & The Forest of Three
A coming-of-age take on legend tripping at Ong’s Hat and some other mystery stories for your enjoyment. PAGE LINK: https://shows.acast.com/creepy-1/episodes/creepaway-camp-2023-day-6-jacobs-revenge-the-forest-of-three Jacob’s Revenge Written and narrated by Owen McCuen The Forest of Three Link: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/The_Forest_of_Three Written by: Cdaley and Narrated by: JV Hampton-VanSant https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Check out our reward tiers at patreon.com/creepypod Sound Design by Pacific Obadiah Title… Continue reading Creepaway Camp 2023 – Day 6: Jacob’s Revenge & The Forest of Three
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Paranormal Paradice- Ong’s Hat
old hidden ghost still looking for it Ongs Hat