Have you ever driven through a ghost town and wondered about the history behind it? What ruin or tragedy may have led to the town becoming nothing more than a skeleton? And have you ever wondered if these towns can serve as gateways or portals to the other side? What would you do if you… Continue reading Perplexity: A Mystery PodcastEpisode 67: Ong’s Hat, New Jersey and the Internet Conspiracy Theory
Category: Podcast
Tales of Weird NJ: Bovine, Bigfoot & Frogs
Paul Giamatti and friends discuss weird New Jersey stories and give some props to Ong’s Hat. Recorded live from the (possibly haunted) Marines’ Memorial Theatre in San Francisco at @SFSketchfest 2024 with special guest, comedian, writer, and host of the Beautiful/Anonymous podcast (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast…, Chris Gethard. Chris heard about a lot of brushes with the paranormal… Continue reading Tales of Weird NJ: Bovine, Bigfoot & Frogs
133 — Joseph Matheny Interview: Ong’s Hat & The Alchemy of Alternative Realities
A great conversation I had with the guys from The Long Seventies Podcast Show page: https://www.thelongseventiespodcast.com/home/2024/2/15/133-joseph-matheny-interview-ongs-hat-amp-the-alchemy-of-alternative-realities
VYS0036 | Infinite Game – Vayse to Face with Joseph Matheny
vayse podcast Show link: https://www.vayse.co.uk/vys0036 Some rare art transcends reality, some even rarer art seems to create a new reality altogether – the work of Joseph Matheny does both of these things while embracing the trickster spirit inherent in the magickal traditions in which his work has its roots. Joseph talks to Hine and Buckley about… Continue reading VYS0036 | Infinite Game – Vayse to Face with Joseph Matheny
Portal a lo desconocido
Portal a lo desconocido description Link to show: https://www.ivoox.com/portal-a-lo-desconocido-audios-mp3_rf_124087690_1.html Descubre cómo un simple libro polvoriento en la biblioteca de una universidad desencadenó una investigación que llevó a un viaje interdimensional de descubrimiento y aventura. Acompáñanos mientras exploramos los experimentos audaces, los científicos visionarios y los secretos enterrados bajo las ruinas de ONG’s Hat. Pero la… Continue reading Portal a lo desconocido
Ong’s Hat creator Joseph Matheny on the blurred lines between fiction and reality
Sat down and had a discussion with Greg, one of the curators of one of my favorite OG websites, The Daily Grail. LINK: https://www.dailygrail.com/2023/12/ongs-hat-creator-joseph-matheny-on-the-blurred-lines-between-fiction-and-reality/ Ong’s Hat. For those who were on the early internet and into Grail-like topics, those two words likely spark a heady sense of conspiracy, alternative science and history nostalgia. Across websites,… Continue reading Ong’s Hat creator Joseph Matheny on the blurred lines between fiction and reality
These Scientists Ripped A Hole In Reality From A Cabin In The Woods
Ever wondered about the wild, wacky and wonderful world of quantum physics, alternate dimensions, and internet hoaxes? Well, buckle up for a roller-coaster journey as we uncover one of New Jersey’s most captivating tales, the story of Wally Fard, and his spiritual commune, the Moorish Science Ashram. We spin a vivid narrative on how a… Continue reading These Scientists Ripped A Hole In Reality From A Cabin In The Woods
The Worst of All Possible Worlds: 111 – Slender Man and Marble Hornets
THIS IS A PREVIEW. FOR THE FULL EPISODE, GO TO Patreon.com/worstofall Anne Huston (Caveat NYC) joins Brian and Josh to do battle with the Slender Man and other monsters from 2009’s viral YouTube horror series Marble Hornets. Their journey takes them from semi-incoherent college memories to the content cornucopia of the Something Awful Forums, Reddit,… Continue reading The Worst of All Possible Worlds: 111 – Slender Man and Marble Hornets
The Wildest Conspiracy Theories of All Time (Epic Blaze)
Dive into the rabbit hole of unexplained mysteries and conspiracy theories! From Ong’s Hat to Mount Rushmore secrets, Titanic’s sinking to the Black Knight satellite – explore the unknown! LINK: https://youtu.be/29kzDsxqp9Q
Layer 01 Podcast | Episode 06: Ong’s Hat – Liminal Spaces and Legend Tripping
Fray and Kouji return to discuss the first internet ARG known as Ong’s Hat, and its connection with the Legend Tripping Phenomenon, along with the infamous Black Mailbox and other Liminal “Sacred Spaces”. Part 2 in our Exploration of the American Shinto Phenomenon Exploring the Weird. OP Song: They Came From Below – Karl Casey… Continue reading Layer 01 Podcast | Episode 06: Ong’s Hat – Liminal Spaces and Legend Tripping